14 junio 2007

Chale con los de flickr!!!

We dont need no photo contol

If your Yahoo! ID is based in Singapore, Germany, Hong Kong or Korea you will only be able to view safe content based on your local Terms of Service so won’t be able to turn SafeSearch off.
In other words that means, that german users can not access photos on flickr that are not flaged "safe" ... only flowers and landscapes for the germans ...
We will not let this happen! Copy and upload this picture to your account - show flickr who we are!

Si tu Yahoo! ID está basada en Singapor, Alemania, Hong Kong o Corea sólamente verás contenido llamado seguro basándose en nuestros términos de servicio locales y no podrás deshabilitar el modo de búsqueda segura..
En otras palabras esto significa, que usuarios alemanes p.ej. ya no podrán acceder a fotos en flickr que hayan sido "flagged", es decir marcadas como no seguras y para todo público... solamente flores y paisajes para los alemanes ...
No permitiremos que ésto suceda! Copia y carga esta foto a tu cuenta de yahoo por favor para mostrar a flickr quienes somos!

Flickr sperrt uns aus! Und auch dich!
Seit gestern werden für deutsche Nutzer keine Bilder mehr angezeigt, die als 'moderate' oder 'restricted' markiert sind! Es gibt keine Möglichkeit das umzustellen - das ist eine grobe Unverschämtheit und Frechheit von Flickr!

Füge das Bild zu deinen Favoriten hinzu und poste es!

Se il vostro account Yahoo flickr e' localizzato in Singapore, Germania, Hong kong o Korea vi sara' solo concesso di vedere foto dal contenuto ritenuto SAFE, e non avrete opzione di scelta alcuna se vedere o no le foto in questione, senza la possibilià di inibire il controllo safe-search.
Aderite tutti contro la censura su flickr!

More info:

At yesterday's big Yahoo business annual meeting thing Yahoo rejected an anti-censorship proposal submitted by their shareholders. This was wrong. Yahoo already has a black eye over it's helping to jail Chinese journalist Shi Tao.

Part of the proposed anti-censorship proposal presented to Yahoo would have required that they not host data in countries who endorse censorship. In light of what happened to Shi Tao, this would seem to make some sense.

Anyways, I made a decision as scout and human being, formally adopt the anti-censorship shareholder proposal that Yahoo rejected. It's a small thing really.

I think it makes good business sense to oppose censorship, but more significantly it is the right and ethical thing to do.

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